Let’s look at what bedbugs look like, how to treat bedbug bites and simple steps you can take to avoid bringing bedbugs home with you.

Let’s look at what bedbugs look like, how to treat bedbug bites and simple steps you can take to avoid bringing bedbugs home with you.
Chlamydia, a prevalent sexually transmitted infection (STI) originating from bacterial infection,often has no symptoms during its initial stages. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused…
Hey everyone, I’m Dr Ann, and today, I want to introduce you to someone. It protects you while sticking by your side, closer to you…
Pyelonephritis, or kidney infection, is a painful condition. Escherichia coli (E. coli) causes this unpleasant illness. They are bacteria travelling from your bladder but end…
You might be wondering why a qualified doctor like me is on YouTube. Well, it all boils down to time constraints. During a typical 10…
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Genital Warts, also called Condylomata acuminata or venereal warts, are growths that can emerge in the genital or anal regions. Now, what’s the connection? These…
Who are South Asians? South Asians are people living or having migrated from South Asia. It is a notable subregion within Asia, encompassing the vast…
What is skin-lightening Skin lightening, also called skin bleaching, is a cosmetic treatment designed to lighten dark areas of the skin. It helps achieve an…
Every year, countless lives are affected by the silent threat of high blood pressure. Statistics reveal that high blood pressure is a leading cause of…